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Meet Tangoo's Founder: Marino Gualano

Meet Marino Gualano, the Founder & International Business Development Director of tangoo, a digital media services company specializing in programmatic media advertising. Marino is known for his expertise in programmatic advertising, digital media, and web3 industries as well as his ability to identify new growth opportunities.

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Video transcript

[00:00:00] Luke Judge: Welcome back. I really hope you enjoyed that first conversation with Gianluca of Expedia and our very own Riccardo. Um, really interesting discussion. So thank you very much for taking the time to listen to it. Now, I'm really pleased to be joined by the founder of Tangoo, Marino Gualano, who I've known for a long time.

Um, and he was very kindly and generously agreed to host today's event, bringing together all of these fantastic speakers. And I thought it would be great if we could just take a moment to hear from Marino, introduce himself and talk about Tangoo, uh, and what they offer to the marketplace. So Marino, thank you very much for hosting this fantastic online event today.

Um, and agreeing to meet with me to share a little bit of your insights about Tangoo. Your background and Tangoo itself over to you.

[00:01:02] Marino Gualano: Thank you, Luke. And, uh, yeah, it's true. We, we know since, uh, the beginning of this, when programmatic was not even a keyword in the industry, right? It was back in the year, I remember.

And the first, first mover were all, you know, around the real time leading. And it was a long run since then. Now, we positioned, uh, uh, Tangoo as a programmatic specialist partner. We are an independent, uh, company. Uh, which for us means to be, you know, work side by side with the companies, with our clients, which consider partner to them, on different, you know, declination, you know.

Of, uh, of, uh, of a specific plan for them, you know, a strategic digital, uh, plan where we can then execute, uh, uh, depending on what, what the targets on different way on different channels from, you know, traditional display to digital out of arm to connect it to be by the use of the technology. You, you know, we have been that technology builder since.

Since forever, like 15 years with our fantastic team, uh, located in India, uh, which is still, you know, rearranging all the technology, but it's not only that, you know, the big revolution we did after the COVID was to integrate all the other technologies, regardless if they are Google or not Google, by the way, uh, and, uh, you know, to connect them.

To be able to to have the proper reach and to Deliver to the proper audience we by doing this we work in 14 different countries Although we we founded a company in Italy. We took two office there. We have a fantastic You know executional office in Kosovo in Pristina And you know UK and US are our target where we grow You In the next year, again, a 40 percent as we did in the last two years in a row.

So this is the, you know, more or less, you know, uh, the rate of growth. We are 50 people now in the next two years, we will double that. And, uh, you know, mainly we, we help e commerce this. Execute their plan of growth. So I really hope to see more e commerce regardless the vertical they're working in. To be part of us, to be, you know, to benefit of what we do.

And even to attract talent is another target for us because we need, you know, talent, which have skills, but even if they want to acquire skills and competencies, this is the right company to work with.

[00:04:05] Luke Judge: Fantastic. So, so if I summarize a fast growing programmatic specialist partnering with brands, agencies, affiliate networks across 14 markets, born and raised out of Italy, but with multiple offices, including in Kosovo and expanding into new markets.

Quickly, including the UK and the U. S. This is this is great. You know, so we're talking about media, talking about creating, of course, talking about data coming together is one as one effective campaign. And you mentioned e commerce, but I know also you're working with other clients as in other sectors as well.

We've already heard from Gianluca at the fantastic brand, which is Expedia. What other brands do you work with at Tangoo?

[00:04:53] Marino Gualano: Now we work in fashion for us, for instance, is, uh, you know, multiple, not only Italian, because, you know, fashion is also France and, you know, English and, uh, worldwide. That is another, uh, specific sector where we really are able to deliver to the right audience, you know, the reach, to reach them, and even to deliver fantastic creativities, dynamic, Our virtual reality creativities, which is coming, you know, you know, people want to, wants to be amazed when it comes to the creativities and this is what we do.

Our client's very happy about that.

[00:05:33] Luke Judge: Yeah. Very good. Very good. Right. Finally, I love ending with this question with all, all of the speakers that I talked to. You know, we, we are rapidly moving towards 2025. We'll have 74 elections behind us from the prior year in 24. Marina, what are you most excited about in the media landscape with what you do in the year ahead in 2025?

[00:05:56] Marino Gualano: I'm, I'm excited, uh, a lot because I'm sure I feel I collect information. Uh, the most relevant wars will, will, will be over and that will be, you know, my, my hope and my, you know, my, the way to, to be more happy and pushing the business, you know, worldwide, uh, that is, you know, the most exciting thing. I'm, I'm looking forward and I, I think that we will have ups up also us also to, you know, to push the business in that.

In the country where we, we want to be.

[00:06:36] Luke Judge: Very good. Very good. I know you're an optimist and I expect nothing less. So looking forward to growth in 2025. Um, if anybody would like to learn more about Tangoo, about the programmatic specialism that it offers, uh, across a range of different sectors and of course, across multiple markets, please reach out to the team at Tangoo, um, go to the, to the website, Contact us or find any of the team on LinkedIn, and they'll be pleased to hear from you. Marino, thank you very much for your time. We need to move on to our next speaker for today. Um, and, uh, and thank you very much. I look forward to working with you further in the future.

[00:07:16] Marino Gualano: My pleasure. Thank you so much for hosting

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Marino Gualano

Founder & International Business Development Director of tangoo

Marino Gualano is the Founder & International Business Development Director of tangoo, a digital media services company specializing in programmatic media advertising. An experienced leader and investor in the programmatic advertising, digital media, and web3 industries, Marino is known for his strategic expertise and ability to identify new growth opportunities.

Driven by a passion to create environments of abundance, Marino has driven his professional career through strategic investments in promising start-ups and dedicated work with charitable organizations such as Terre des Hommes, an international federation that aids children worldwide.

Before founding Tangoo, Marino held senior management positions in various tech and digital marketing-oriented companies. He has successfully founded, grown, and sold multiple companies, earning recognition as an industry leader. At Tangoo Media, Marino focuses on building relationships on a global scale. His goal is to build on Tangoo's rapid growth, seeking investment partners to capitalize on emerging opportunities. Marino is always looking to connect with innovators and advocates of programmatic marketing.

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